Life is an art-form, live yours authentically


Life is primarily at art form. It is informed through the lens of science to refine it. For the theist, it could be through the lens of religion, again to refine the art form, that is life. Given that art could be good or bad…it’s a matter of personal taste. It’s the subjective experience of life, that your authentic self experiences which is worth celebrating…or should i say cerebrating. This concept is Phenomenology in Psychiatry. Hence, I urge you to stop living through the filter of other peoples judgements, and start conversing with your true inner-self, what YOU actually want to do. This in a nutshell is true introspection. Nothing less than an art form. Your own truly unique art form.

I urge you to stop living through the filter of other peoples judgements, and start conversing with your inner-self, what YOU actually want to do.

Brain Tractography IMAGING. Magnetic resonance imaging protocols are used to visualise the cerebral nerve tracks in vivo…one of fav human internal imaging techniques 💯

The psychological theory of taking control of ones life trajectory

Many great thinkers from Sartre to Gandhi, have proposed life to be an organised-chaos. If you plan, then 50–80% goes to plan, yet the remainder 20% is spontaneous events.

We live for the 20%…the surprises, the accidents, the loss of loved ones, the unexpected friends that we make along the way and the betrayals that we did not see coming.

This is one of the the arguments that we’re not as as free will driven, as we may like to believe. Nonetheless the illusion of having a free will is a beneficial one. This is because it allows us to have more control over our lives. In Psychology this is called as having an ‘internal locus of control’.

Nonetheless the illusion of having a free will is a beneficial one.

Aim towards an internal locus of control over external

Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces, have control over their lives.

Graphic credits to

This musing initially originated, as I was starting my holiday in Iceland, now a near-distant two months ago. There were weather warnings on day 1, to be cautious when driving. I was in two minds if to stick to the warnings and stay in the hotel Vs proceed with our planned itinerary.

The plans for the day were to travel to the capital, Reykjavik, firstly to visit the local mosque and then in the late afternoon to the infamous blue lagoon for a geothermal hot dip.

Ultimately my brother had a look at the weather maps; he used science to inform our lifestyle, which is a dynamic art-form rather than a rigid set of rules and said…

“You know what, the roads to blue lagoon look ok tbh”

That’s when I became inspired and muttered under my breath

“f*** it, I am going to be in control of my holiday”

This was a direct application of my internal locus of control. I replied back to my brother

More blog posts coming this week, as I have the inspiration and most importantly energy..Big 💛

Yours sincerely

Dr Adnan Ali


Insta: 📷



Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher
Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher

Written by Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher

Come along to unravel moments of meaning, & uncover candid travel memoirs 🕊️

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