Humans Crave Meaning



Humans are meaning machine’s. We look for pattern and meaning in everything, perhaps it allows us to make sense of the world and is beneficial to our survival. It’s easier to encode a pattern than its individual constituents. Now by encoding a pattern important information is lost (akin to file compression in IT). This is where conservatives lose out...they truly believe there encoded patterns as the absolute truth, whereas liberals are more sceptical and open to changing their ideology with new experiences.

Take home

So remember to remain open minded, otherwise if you knew it all, the world will be very dry. Let’s be honest when we see the "stereotypical Uber rich on holiday sitting in their protected 5* hotel balcony", if you note there facial expressions they look miserable.

In contrast, the traveller that immerses themselves into the local culture, takes a walk through the Mumbai bastee, cautiously cycles through the Brazilian favela’s realises that these so called very different people are in fact aiming for the same higher moral values...

"To do the best they can, given there means, to live a somewhat meaningful life, and have enough to pass on their progeny in the hope that they don’t have to struggle as much as there parents had to".



Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher
Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher

Written by Dr Ad ALI• Physician-Philosopher

Come along to unravel moments of meaning, & uncover candid travel memoirs 🕊️

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